Food Allergy

Without doubt the most serious dietary restriction restaurants may cater to is food allergy. Please read to find our policy on serving diners with food allergies and information from Allergy NZ


  • We do not take any responsibility for restaurants providing contaminated items to diners

  • We require all dishes labeled as allergen safe to be so. Do not choose this label unless you are 100% sure there is no risk of cross contamination and your staff are fully trained in serving diners with food allergies - it is fine to have a dish on your site that may contain allergens, but do not choose the ‘free from’ label.

  • Eat Choice Ltd will remove outlets that fail to adhere to our safety requirements

So what exactly is a food allergy? Allergens cause an auto immune response in the body causing an immediate or delayed reaction. This reaction can be mild, for example a rash. The reaction can also be life threatening if a condition called anaphylaxis occurs. A diner with an allergen may experience anaphylaxis for the first time even if they have only had mild reactions previously. The Mayo Clinic describes anaphylaxis as;

‘Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. It can happen seconds or minutes after you’ve been exposed to something you’re allergic to. Peanuts or bee stings are examples. In anaphylaxis, the immune system releases a flood of chemicals that can cause the body to go into shock. Blood pressure drops suddenly, and the airways narrow, blocking your breathing. The pulse may be fast and weak, and you may have a skin rash. You may also get nauseous and vomit. Anaphylaxis needs to be treated right away with an injection of epinephrine. If it isn’t treated right away, it can be deadly. Anaphylaxis requires an injection of epinephrine and a follow-up trip to an emergency room. If you don't have epinephrine, you need to go to an emergency room immediately. If anaphylaxis isn't treated right away, it can be fatal.’

Some diners are ok with food that ‘is made with equipment processing ingredients including their allergen’ however generally, you should assume every diner with an allergy is at risk from contamination and describe your dishes in such a manner that reflects this.

Important resources

What are allergens

Allergy NZ

Allergy NZ Food Safety training video


We recommend part of your health and safety plan includes first aid training for allergic reaction, including how to administer an EPI Pen and CPR.

Allergies we have searchable icons for:







Tree nut




If your restaurant can cater to a different allergy, let us know and we will add an icon for you. The more options we have, the better for our diners.