
Vegetarian diets are not only the domain of health concious individuals but also a prominant feature of some religions such as some forms of Hindu, Buddhist and 7th Day Adventist traditions. So what exaclty is a Vegetarian and how are they different to Vegans?

In blunt terms, vegetarians don’t eat anything that has to be killed to obtain the food. This includes red meat, poultry, insects and seafood including shellfish. There are several different types of vegetarian. Some will avoid eggs and some dairy. To cater to the widest possible cohort, you may like to offer a Vegan or Plant based dish.

There are several different types of Vegetarians, including Vegan (listed separately). Some vegetarians choose to eat dairy and eggs, while others may only eat eggs for example. Vegetarians do not eat gelatine or collagen, made from the bones of cattle. It is important to differentiate between Vegan and Vegetarian on your menu so your diners can make the most appropriate choice.

A vegetarian may not always ask, but would appreciate a change of gloves after handling meat, or the grill to be cleaned if you do not have a separate nonmeat part of the grill to cook on.

Common watch points!

  • Vegetarian labelled soup, such as pumpkin, yet include chicken stock in the base.

  • Vegetable stir fries made with sauces that contain fish or oysters

  • Salad dressings such as Caesar which is made with anchovies

  • Worcestershire sauce made with anchovies.

  • Marshmallows, Jelly, Candy and ice cream containing gelatine.

  • Smoothies with Collagen shots.

  • Cheese made with Rennet or rennen. Look for soft cheeses or those labled vegetarian or containing ‘enzymes’

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