Create your first dish

Now that you have created your restaurant page, you are ready to share your dishes. If you have an Uber Eats account, simply click on the link. Alternate instructions and video are here for you.

Learn how to create a dish on Eat Choice.

·         Log in to your account

·         Navigate to the restaurant that you want to create a dish for, if you have more than one restaurant

·         Add name of dish

·         Add description of dish

·         Add a price

·         If you have an image of the dish upload it now – we recommend high quality images only.

·         Confirm the name of your restaurant is correct

·         Select any and all dietary requirements that are met by this particular dish. If you are uncertain about an ingredient, it is best not to offer that restriction until you have confirmation. We have resources available to assist you if required.


Click Create Dish.


If you have an Uber Eats account, simply click the link and follow the instructions. If you have any difficulties, let us know at